Our Physiotherapists

Teresa Waser, MScPT, BSc, CAFCI, CGIMS, CFL2

Teresa is the visionary behind RX Physiotherapy.  She knew there was a different way to provide physio – one that would redefine a new standard of care while also being deeply fulfilling…so she created it.

Teresa is an Orthopedic & Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Coach & Educator – but first she’s a mother, a recreational athlete, and probably most importantly, someone who allows you to feel seen and heard.

She believes that you deserve a clinician who strives to stay up-to-date with the most current evidence so you can receive the best, individualized care – minus any fear mongering bullsh*t.  She’s been a voracious learner throughout her career, accumulating extensive training in musculoskeletal & pelvic health, and now works as an educator for fellow clinicians and fitness professionals from around the world, often with sold-out courses. She has also presented at international conferences.

Teresa has a special interest in strength & conditioning and has training in Olympic lifting, CrossFit Level 1 & 2, CrossFit Kids, CrossFit Conjugate Methods & CrossFit Masters and has experience coaching both running and CrossFit.  She loves helping people feel strong and capable in their bodies, regardless of age or current level of fitness.

In the clinic, Teresa is in her happy place.  She blends her experiences as physio, coach, and educator to empower you to redefine your possible in life and athletics.

When not in clinic, she loves traveling, learning (yep! Total geek), spending time with her husband & 3 active kids, camping (ahem…glamping), running trails, and lifting heavy-ish barbells repeatedly.

She can’t wait to work with you.

Michelle Cojulun, MScPT, BSc, MRSc, FCAMPT, IMS

For Michelle, treating symptoms isn’t enough. She believes it’s even more important to understand why your symptoms exist. To figure this out, she’ll often look at factors beyond body impairments to discover and help you to address underlying contributors.  She doesn’t believe in quick fixes but will work extensively with you to find meaningful, practical, and long-lasting solutions that go beyond the clinic walls.

In her treatments, Michelle often blends education with focused exercise, manual (hands-on) therapy, and dry needling.  She loves to teach exercises to help reduce nerve pain and shines while helping those with persistent and neuropathic conditions. She finds that exercise therapy is empowering for her patients. She loves Adam Meakins’ famous quote: “You can’t go wrong getting strong!” and individualizes this to what is most appropriate for YOU.

She also has a special interest in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and jaw pain, headaches, neck and shoulder concerns, and works with local dentists to collaborate and treat mutual patients with TMJ symptoms. 

Michelle is very passionate about continuing clinical education, having both a Masters of Physical Therapy and a Masters of Rehabilitation Science.  She’s constantly learning and her fierce dedication to professional development led to her becoming a Fellow of the Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy in 2021. She also believes that staying up-to-date on the research is important and evolves her practice to match emerging evidence. 

When not in the clinic, she is busy being a mom to her baby girl, Kayla, born in March of 2024. When she does have free time, she can be found playing video games with her husband, Andrew, snuggling her three kitties, Henry, Rosa and Daisy, and participating in CrossFit. Michelle can also be found cooking, enjoying a cup of coffee, or watching the Food Network for further cooking inspiration. 

Michelle hopes that her experience, attitude, and desire to help you learn more about yourself will help you have an amazing physiotherapy experience, feel better, and ultimately, stay better.

Jordyn Fiala, MScPT, BKin, IMS


For Jordyn, empowering individuals to live their best life is not a job, it’s a lifestyle. Welcoming you at any point throughout your journey, Jordyn is dedicated to helping you find your rhythm again. She treats both orthopedic and pelvic health conditions, although she has a special interest in pregnancy and postpartum care. 

Jordyn believes that the pinnacle of health is feeling your best in mind, body, and spirit. She is wholeheartedly devoted to helping you regain control of your health – whether that’s walking a block, feeding your newborn, reaching for that coffee cup, or hitting that PR in the gym. What’s important to you, is important to Jordyn. 

Jordyn is passionate about providing current, evidence-based care and has additional training in various aspects of pelvic health, as well as dry needling and the management of concussions. She utilizes a combination of progressive exercise, manual therapy, lifestyle management, behavioral modification techniques, and of course – education! Knowledge is power, right?!

Jordyn is a small town girl who grew up in the town of Millet. She’s now a member of the Leduc community with her husband & their kitty, Zoey. She has always enjoyed an active lifestyle and taking in the beautiful outdoors. A good spin class, true crime podcast, late night campfire and quiet fishing hole are at the top of her favourites in life. And Starbucks…that’s up there too. 

Jordyn cannot wait to work with you! She will absolutely meet you where you’re at and be your biggest cheerleader while you crush your goals, one after another.

The Facility

Located inside the Leduc Professional Building, Suite 201, 4721 47th Avenue

RX Physiotherapy is a full service physiotherapy clinic, well equipped with strength training & fitness equipment for an active approach.

We have large, comfortable private treatment rooms with dimmable lighting. We also have a gym space with a wide array of exercise equipment so we can help guide you in functional strengthening and take your rehab beyond the Theraband, when appropriate to do so.


Early for your appointment?  Take a seat in the waiting area – located to the left once you walk through the doors of RX Physiotherapy.  Your physiotherapist will come and meet you there at your appointment time.

Exercise is powerful.  And what better way to assist you with symptoms or performance limitations with movement & exercise than by truly assessing these activities in real time!  Our gym space allows  that.

Enjoy the comfortable, adjustable treatment beds in our spacious, private treatment rooms.  We even have dimmable lighting to help you feel at ease.  And of course, all the privacy you want for your session.


At RX Physiotherapy, our mission is help you redefine your possible.

Whether that means helping with pain, stiffness, or pelvic health concerns like leaking or prolapse, we help people just like you to overcome orthopedic and pelvic health concerns so they can feel strong, capable, and empowered to live their best lives.

We help all genders across the lifespan from kids to pregnancy/postpartum to older adults.

We do this by providing 1 on 1 appointments with extended treatment durations and the individualized care that you deserve.


We believe that our core values should guide us in every decision, acting as the guiding lighthouse for how we show up in the clinic and in life.

We believe that following our core values enables us to deliver the very best physiotherapy experience possible AND also allows us to continue to absolutely LOVE our jobs!

We are physios who CARE.



We believe in connecting with you as fellow humans.  So often in healthcare, this human element is missing.  We want to change that – to make space for you to feel seen, heard, understood, cared for, and supported.  We want to to hear your whole story, to know who you are, your goals, your fears, and your questions.  We want to work together with you to ensure that your treatment recommendations fit YOUR life.  We do this by providing 1 on 1 appointments where you get the dedicated focus and attention of your physiotherapist throughout your session – no offloading of your care to someone else and no waiting as your physio bounces between different clients.  We also provide LONGER appointments so there’s more time for us to really listen, to provide a thorough assessment and individualized treatment, to explain everything, and to answer all of your questions.  We also have PRIVATE treatment rooms because we want you to feel free to fully share without worrying about someone overhearing you on the other side of a curtain.  Our treatment model is different than most physio clinics and it was designed this way to create space for greater connection and greater impact.



We seek to show up with authenticity.  We aren’t perfect humans and don’t expect you to be perfect either.  We welcome you to come as you are – you will find open-hearted acceptance here.  We hold space for our clients to share their journeys with us as we meet them with safety, compassion and understanding.  We take the trust that you place in us seriously.  We promise not to give you any fear mongering bullsh*t because you get enough of that elsewhere and that’s just not how we roll.  We believe in honesty and integrity.  We aren’t afraid to say “I don’t know” when that’s true and at the same time, we will work hard to uncover answers whenever possible.



We believe in having fun and making time for the things that bring us joy. We acknowledge that, as physiotherapists, we show up as our best selves in our clinical work when we’re happy and fulfilled.  We also recognize that burn out is incredibly common in physiotherapists and it’s something we want to avoid.  As a result, we NEVER overload our physios with bookings. (We’ve been there before, in clinics with clients booked every 10-15min and while that’s one way to run a clinic, it will never be our way.)  We will always focus on quality sessions over quantity – we believe this is better for you AND for us.  As physios, we also strive to check in with ourselves and replenish our cups as needed, allowing space for that to look differently for each person – and we help our clients to find ways to do the same.



We seek to continually learn and evolve, both as clinicians and as humans.

We aren’t the physios we were yesterday, and we aren’t who we will be tomorrow.  We are constantly evolving.  All of our physios are fiercely dedicated to continuing education and strive to stay up to date with the most current evidence (which is an ongoing endeavor as new research emerges).  We believe that you deserve a physiotherapist who is constantly striving to bring you the best care possible.  Fortunately, we love learning and wouldn’t have it any other way.